How I fixed the mess in my personal Gmail
I developed a personal email management system with the goals of 1) reliably separating automated emails from personal emails, 2) creating a mechanism to delete unhelpful and expired email in bulk, and 3) auto-archiving important automated emails.
· 7 min read · email
How Google Drive works with external disks
It's not well documented, so I run a few tests to understand how exactly Google Drive works with external disks. I now have more data in Google Drive than can fit into my Mac's 500 GB of built-in storage. As much I trust Google, I still want to keep a local copy of all of my files and I want it to seamlessly sync with the cloud.
· 5 min read · google drive photos
How to build a Hugo website in AWS Lambda and deploy it to S3
This tutorial explains how to run Hugo in AWS Lambda and deploy a static website to Amazon S3.
How to use AWS CLI within a Lambda function (aws s3 sync from Lambda)
A step-by-step process to enable AWS CLI within an AWS Lambda function.
AWS Lambda: version GLIBCXX_3.4.20 not found error
Step-by-step guidance to fix the /usr/lib64/ version 'GLIBCXX_3.4.20' not found
error in AWS Lambda when using a custom binary.